Friday, 14 April 2023

The Freedom of Love

In your feelings of the moment, 

You may want to flee.

You have fear when you see

The flames of your home being burnt down.

In your heart, with it’s true desire,

You want freedom.

You know where you belong

Is a place far beyond these limiting walls.

In your soul, there is a deep knowing

Of your circle of support, and the cycles.

I am speaking to you now as “Us”, “They” and

“We” … your family.

This hell is escapable

Once you accept life as it is.

You already know, but forgot,

When others told you of their prison that could also be yours.

They too, want the same things as you…

Love and freedom.

When you are stuck in the mind,

Remember... the mind can be wise.

When it wants to know why,

There is always a reason.

“Why, why, why?” becomes

“What am I learning?”

There is no separation, only boundaries…

A container for “yes” to what is good.

Be thankful for when you see it, you are no longer in it.

You are beyond it, and so much more.

So remember who you are…

They may not, they may never.

I accept these are their limits,

And I have mine as well.

I now believe: I accept these limitations

And I am still free.

The desire that leads to seeking…

The question that leads to understanding…

The answer that leads to acceptance…

Of the paradox of existence.

There is wholeness within each fragment.

This awareness that leads to surrender…

To the power of being held within the larger.

When you are small, you are becoming

One with all that you are…

You are God

You are Home

You are free

Love comes from within

And from doing without

And throughout it all.

It is the all, and all is love.

I now believe: I am loved, and I am loving.

I now believe: I am love.

I now believe: I am free.

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