Writings and Inspirations

Act from love, not out of fear. It will change everything. Even your perception of fear. And of love. Feel alllll of your feelings, and then choose to act out of love. Instead of denying your feelings and acting out of fear. It can get confusing though - because sometimes acting out of love for one's self makes others unhappy. Or it can sometimes seem to contradict what you would do out of love for another. But really, though - there is no separation. So acting out of self-love (not self-interest) is ultimately for the good of all, whether they know it or not. Because really - you can only truly know and love your own self. And the closer you are in alignment with your True Divine Self, then the more graceful change will be. And from this, change will always be for the better, yet it may involve some suffering. However, the closer one is to enlightenment, the less perceived suffering there is. So therefore, it is more accurate to say... Act from love of Divine Self, not out of fear of suffering.


It's happening again. I've been seeing the numbers 1111 and 444 so often and in very interesting places....another time of acceleration - downloads and soul growth, supported by my divine spirit helpers. Feeling so blessed and grateful.


Rowan Marcus Neufeld born Jan. 25/14 in the Celtic Month of the Rowan Tree (Jan. 21 - Feb. 17)

According to Celtic Astrology he was born under the Rowan moon, the second month in the Celtic calendar. Rowans were planted near doors and gates to ward off evil and are believed to safeguard the gateway to the spirit world. The Rowan Tree is known as the Tree of Sensitivity and has a reputation for protecting those it surrounds from the lure of the evil eye so that their spirit may roam free in the light of love…it is said to represent poetic inspiration, is a tree of life and said to be a guardian of the home.

This is a time for focusing on how you are going to reap what you sew in the coming year, a time for forethought on how your dreams can be achieved. If you were born in this month, you are a mysterious and wonderful person who likes nothing more than to appease those close to your heart; you have the ability to make others see how wonderful this world really is. Your calling in life is to develop your magical and spiritual side, for the purpose of helping all that you can. It is said that Rowans need an outlet for their powerful, imaginary mind else they may become restless and argumentative. http://edenstreehouse.webs.com/celtictreeastrology.htm


The History and Meaning of Iris 
from http://www.proflowers.com/guide/history-and-meaning-of-iris

Primary Significance: With history dating back to Greek mythology, irises come in a rainbow of colors, the most popular being the deep blue (indigo) variety. Their primary meanings include faith, hope, wisdom, courage, and admiration.

With striking uniqueness and beauty, irises have rich meanings, and when given as gifts, they can convey deep sentiments. With over 200 varieties in a wide spectrum of colors, the iris, which fittingly takes its name from the Greek word for "rainbow," can be found in virtually every part of the world, growing both naturally and in farms. While garden irises can come in any of these many varieties, the flower's cut versions are mostly blue (the most popular type), white, and yellow.

The iris's history is rich, dating back to Ancient Greek times when the Greek Goddess Iris, the messenger of the gods and the personification of the rainbow, acted as the link between heaven and earth. Purple irises were planted over the graves of women to summon the Goddess to guide the dead in their journey. Ancient Egyptian kings marveled in the iris's exotic nature, and drawings have been found of the flower in a number of Egyptian palaces. During the Middle Ages, the meaning of irises became linked to the French monarchy, and the Fleur-de-lis eventually became the recognized national symbol of France. From their earliest years, irises were used to make perfume and as a medicinal remedy. Today, they are primarily seen in gardens, in bouquets, and in the wild all over the world.

Through its intricate history, the meanings of the iris has come to include faith, hope, and wisdom. Depending on factors such as color and region, irises may bear additional meanings as well. In some parts of the world, the dark blue or purple iris can denote royalty, whereas the yellow iris can be a symbol of passion. Irises may also express courage and admiration. The many meanings of the iris makes the flower a great choice for an array of gift giving occasions: corporate, sympathy, get well, just because, and birthday are just some of the occasions for which irises might be the perfect choice.


It's happening again. Seeing 11:11 and 4:44 numerous times a day for the past 2-3 weeks. This article explains a lot http://www.in5d.com/1111-repetitive-numbers.html


What you put out into the world comes back to you. If you send out love and positivity, you will experience more of that in your life. If you spend your energy in creative pursuits that benefit others, you will be rewarded. Interestingly enough, not everyone will applaud you or approve of this - sometimes, when we see others doing well or achieving success is reminds of us our own self-perceived flaws and failures. This is human nature. It's called envy/jealousy. Take that emotion and use it as a tool for self reflection and self improvement. Use that energy as motivation to create something worthwhile that will build up your self esteem and make you feel good. People who are lacking self-worth will try to bring others down and criticize or negate the good they have done. Worse yet, they will attempt to create harm to that person directly or indirectly through aggression, gossip, etc. This is not the solution. The solution is to improve one's own self esteem by striving for one's own potential - not as though in competition with the other, but in competition with oneself for one's own personal best. When your time is filled with positive, productive pursuits, there is no time, energy, or desire to spend it on bringing someone else down or attempting to ruin the good work that someone else has done. If you witness yourself or others engaging in this act, recognize that it is the voice of the weak, disempowered victim consciousness. See it for what it is - this person is lacking self esteem. What might you say that will help them step back into their own power and stop blaming others for feeling empty inside? What would you say to yourself when you hear that critical inner voice attempting to bring you and everyone else down to a state of powerlessness?


June 18/13 A miracle happened when I drew this card....being just a couple of months pregnant, and asking for a message regarding my husband, our pregnancy, and future family - a little puffy seed floated down and landed right in the middle on this picture, where the sparks meet - only for about 2 seconds - then it gently lifted off and floated away, right in front of my very eyes.


Healing. As I engage in my own personal healing transformation, facing the fears and shadows, releasing the pain from the past, in the darkest moments I feel vulnerable but I call all my power back to me, and in doing so I choose to walk a different timeline - the one in which I am living more of my Divine potential, and bringing Heaven down to Earth. For me, the pain started right from in the womb. Being unwanted, rejected, and then abandoned. And then adopted, and then abused. Setting up a whole series of unhealthy ways of thinking, addictions, relationship patterns, and self-defeating lifestyle choices. At the age of 28, physical and emotional pain brought me to a place of complete surrender. People keep showing me the areas in which there is more healing that needs to occur before I can fulfill my true destiny. It hurts but I thank them. And now I heal the Primal Wound - which has cut right to the core of my being here on Earth in this lifetime. With the assistance of many angels and my Higher Self/Soul I return to Wholeness. The path is painful but the rewards are incredible. Changes. Life is changing. The people and circumstances are shifting. The old is falling away at an accelerated pace. It tries to rise up and rear its ugly head, bearing fangs, but I see the fear for what it is. What you focus on magnifies, so I turn my face towards the sun, let the Cosmic Life Force fill me and I seek for inspiration and love. It returns to me when I look for it. I must remember that it is always right here, in my heart.


Have you ever had a friend who allows you to speak your truth fully? And even though you may not both fully agree, you respect, value, and consider each others' point of view. A friend who looks for the ways in which you each compliment each other and how well you work as a team; your success is their success; their happiness is a positive reflection on you. Two friends with expanded consciousness who trust there is a Divine Order and make magic happen wherever they go... Both see themselves as multidimensional, royal, down-to-earth, and cosmic all at the same time. And when together, shine like an amplified Herkimer, so magnificently that those around them can't help but feel uplifted. The Power of the Spirit Connection has brought them together to fulfill their Lightworker Mission. And so it shall be done with many lessons and infinite blessings ~



As the sun and moon energies align with each other in a synergy of love, they embark on an alchemical journey to the core of each other where they join together in the hieros gamos, the sacred marriage.

During their divine love making, the sun weds the moon with the ring of fire created by their alignment with each other and the frequencies they emit, as a result of their union, are projected to Earth in wave after wave of unconditional love with the grand finale being a gigantic love ball of cosmic vibration that will knock the socks off anyone who consciously decides to take part in receiving this sacred gift so generously given by the divine energies.

To make the most of this galactic event, ensure that your heart Chakras are fully open and envision that a ray of pink light is reaching from your heart Chakras out and up into the firmaments to meet the solar-lunar energies descending to Earth.

Use this time to allow the male and female energies within yourselves to find balance; allow duality to collapse within you as well as asking the masculine and feminine aspects that are part of you to teach you what you need to know about their/your attributes.

This is an amazing time for Twin Flames, Soul Mates, and lovers in general to unite together emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. It is also an awesome time to ask the sun and moon energies to help you find your Twin Flame or to help you love yourself more.

★Here is a little more information regarding the Solar Eclipse:

"An annular solar eclipse will take place on May 9 - 10 (UTC), 2013, with a magnitude of 0.9544. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun, causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring), blocking most of the Sun's light. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region thousands of kilometres wide.

Annularity will be visible from northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean, with the maximum of 6 minutes 3 seconds visible from the Pacific Ocean east of French Polynesia."—Wiki

★It is important to remember that even if you cannot see the eclipse, the energies will most definitely be working and will be felt by the more sensitive souls on Earth.


When I open my heart to the Divine I am blessed with many joyous experiences. The past couple of years I have endured much suffering. Looking back on it now I can more clearly understand why. So much needed to be released from my energy body in order to make room for the abundance to come. I was not fully aware at the time that there would be such rewards for passing the tests I was given. If you are in a period of hardship let this be a sign of hope for you. Always do your best and strive to reach the ideal, accepting EVERYTHING along the way, and in doing this you will come into greater alignment with your higher self. Then the same old lessons keep getting easier and easier, and you will no longer have to repeat them. If you are in a period of joy, then celebrate exuberantly! This is the time to build up your strength for the next cycle of growth. Many blessings are already yours!


I have flaws....I like to call them divine imperfections. I make mistakes. And I can admit when I'm wrong. I am also a self-aware individual who strives towards self-development on all levels. I am completely lovable. I accept myself. I am saddened to encounter individuals who feel as though it is their duty to point out the flaws they perceive in others. This behaviour itself is not TERRIBLE, except that often the motivation is a desire to bring someone down or hurt them, rather than from a place of love and desire to see the person grow. I believe this may arise from a lack of self-esteem on behalf of the criticizer, who is lacking the strength to be able to look at their own flaws given the circumstance. For me, I affirm to only point out the mistakes/flaws (from my perception) in others, if it is coming from a place of good-will and warm-heartedness, and only AFTER engaging in my own self-critique.

"I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies." Pietro Aretino 

"Whenever you're in conflict with someone there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude." William James

 “Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.” ~ Aristotle


Dec. 21/12  Today is the end of a 26000 year cycle (procession of the equinox), and an even larger 225 million year cycle, as our earth's sun and our galactic sun come into alignment with the Great Central Sun. Timelines are all converging on this day in time. We are harvesting the fruits of seeds planted in fractal times past. From this day on, we are blessed to have the opportunity to plant new seeds that will germinate and grow, bearing flowers, fruits, and more seeds into the future timelines/timewaves. What kinds of seeds will you plant for yourself in this lifetime and for future generations? Today is a day for intention and mindfulness to keep our thoughts focused on health and harmony; and to open our hearts to the incoming energies from the photon belt that will awaken some of our dormant DNA, as humanity continues to evolve. KEEP THE VIBES HIGH {{♥}} stay centered in your heart!

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